English Informations


The works are based on asian woodcutting techniques. The colours are merged into the background in the same way as in watercolour paintings. Pressure and opacity create subtle shapes. The different use of colour, composition and technique creates multiple results using the same woodblock. The fascinating aspect of woodcutting is that the three stages of the process are individual adventures: The idea and conception of the picture with a draft, the “cutting” of the woodblock and the actual printing process using either a press or hand printing techniques. The organic material wood uses its structure, grain and texture to capture and create different moods and emotions printed on the paper.


The broken, cut or milled mamor, alabaster and granit or piece of wood provides the shape, that is modelled in the sculpturing process. This natural character of the stone or piece of wood is the origin of the work.


Collective exhibition “Eindrücke Ausdrucken” in the Forum K des Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg 1993, creation of the exibition-poster.

Exhibition of different works in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, 1995 and 1996.

Single exhibition ”Gegen das Vergessen”: May and November 1995 in the Galerie des DGB (Union) zum 50.  memory day against the fascism and in the university of economy and politics together with the tutorial for foreign students and ASTA in memory of the Reichspogromnacht 1938.

Single exhibition ”zerbrochene Fenster – geöffnete Türen”; 1995 in the History-Town hall, Möllner Museum in memory to the violence against Turkish families in Mölln.

International exhibition ”Form-Art”, 1996 Kunstverein Glinde bei Hamburg.

Single exhibition “Brennpunkte”, 1996 and „Lichter“, 1998 in the Migration office of the Hamburger Senate

Single exhibition „Frieden?“, 1996 and International Collective Exhibition „Grenzenlos“ 1998 organised by the Intercultural-Forum, goldbekHaus.

International collective exhibition „PAPER ART“,1998, Speicherstadt, Cultur-Department Hamburg.

Single exhibition „Falken und Tauben“, 2000 in cooperation with „Schüler helfen Leben“ in the Zündholzfabrik in Lauenburg and 2003 in the Galerie Douaniersheischen in Luxemburg.

Single exhibition „Zeitläufe“, 2004 in IWS – Institut for economy and language Hamburg.

Single exhibition „Auszeiten“ April 2005 and Collective exhibition „Paint The City“ October 2005, in the project „Ein roter Teppich für die Kunst – Kunst in leeren Läden / Renate Haußmann“.

Single exhibition „Wegstrecke“ 2006 in the Lawoffice Rotermund, Hamburg.

Single exhibition „… über den Horizont“ 2009, House of Economy Hamburg.

Single exhibition for the International- Women-Day in Schleswig Holstein, 2009, Town hall Friedrichstadt.